
Jessica Charles 477-SR/70 Living Room Delta Swivel Rocker at Factory Outlets by Hickory Park


The Jessica Charles 477-SR/70 Living Room Delta Swivel Rocker is available at Factory Outlets by Hickory Park in Hickory, North Carolina.
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Jessica Charles Furniture

Jessica Charles was born into the furniture industry in 1975. Founded by Bill Disque. Their reputation for having the best swivel rockers gave them a niche in the furniture world. From there, they expanded into swivels, gliders, dining chairs, benches, ottomans and settees. Since 2015, the company has been a part of the Rock House Farm Family of Brands becoming a sister company to Century and Highland House. Today the company continues to honor the mission upon which they were founded.

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Dimensions660023039 × 66015303 in
Jessica Charles Furniture